ActiveX component of ALIMbot




Data Type Task
SetConfigDataFile String Sets the path of the data.dat file. Required at initialization if data.dat file is not in the directory from where the application is being executed.


SetAMCDir String Sets the path of the directory containing AMC files. Required at initialization if it is not located in the directory from where the application is being executed. If no AMC file have been called from data.dat then there is no need to set this property.


SetCurrentChatFile String Sets the path of the file to store the current chat. Required if SetLogOn is set to TRUE.


SetDeadLogFile String Sets the path of the file to store the chat log at exit. Required if SetLogOn is set to TRUE.


SetTraceLogFile String Sets the path of the file to store the trace file for the chat. The trace file can be used to debug the queries. Required if SetLogOn is set to TRUE.


SetLogOn Boolean If SetLogOn is TRUE then all the three logs files are created else they are not.


OutputType Integer This affects the output of GetAnswer. It is 0 for plain text, 1 for RTF and 2 for HTML. Other values are not possible.


GetAnswer String Returns the ALIMbot's response to the string in the argument of Getanswer.


SetUserName String Sets the name of the user. Required for personalized responses from ALIMbot.


GetUserName String Returns the name of the user if already set by SetUserName else returns empty string.


SetBotName String Sets the name of ALIMbot.


GetBotName String Returns the name of ALIMbot


GetCurrChatTopic String Returns the current topic of discussion. Only available after a GetAnswer property call has been made.


© Documentation ALIMbot by Mohammed Faizul Wahid