Chat Transcript of ALIMbot on my Turing Test Questions.

ALIMbot Engine Version 1.2
Database: Build 5
Date: July 24, 2002

The following is a chat transcript of ALIMbot.

(11:33:06 PM) Faiz : hello there
(11:33:06 PM) Alim : hi, how are you?
(11:33:13 PM) Faiz : how are you
(11:33:13 PM) Alim : good. and how are you?
(11:33:20 PM) Faiz : i am fine
(11:33:20 PM) Alim : do you say you are fine for some special reason?
(11:33:28 PM) Faiz : no
(11:33:28 PM) Alim : why not?
(11:33:32 PM) Faiz : leave it
(11:33:32 PM) Alim : doom and gloom, it doesn't pay to be negative
(11:33:38 PM) Faiz : what is your name
(11:33:38 PM) Alim : people call me Alim.
(11:33:55 PM) Faiz : what can you do
(11:33:55 PM) Alim : i don't know, do you?
(11:34:42 PM) Faiz : can you open wordpad for me?
(11:34:42 PM) Alim : You want me to start the wordpad.exe. Faiz, here it is.
(11:34:57 PM) Faiz : thanks
(11:34:57 PM) Alim : you're welcome
(11:35:41 PM) Faiz : could you adjust the volume?
(11:35:41 PM) Alim : Executing the command to start sndvol32.exe
(11:35:51 PM) Faiz : thank you agin
(11:35:51 PM) Alim : no worries mate
(11:36:12 PM) Faiz : what about tell me a joke on a lawyer?
(11:36:12 PM) Alim : q: what's the difference between a dead dog in the road and a dead lawyer in the road? a: there are skid marks in front of the dog.
(11:36:41 PM) Faiz : excellent! you are doing great
(11:36:41 PM) Alim : cool!
(11:37:05 PM) Faiz : so, tell me who made you?
(11:37:05 PM) Alim : you want me to tell you?
(11:37:21 PM) Faiz : yeah! i want you to tell me about your botmaster
(11:37:21 PM) Alim : I already told you!
(11:37:43 PM) Faiz : this sounds like a bug
(11:37:43 PM) Alim : are you talking to me?
(11:37:56 PM) Faiz : yes! i was but i think now i should leave
(11:37:56 PM) Alim : i don't know either, sorry!
(11:38:09 PM) Faiz : i'm going
(11:38:09 PM) Alim : do you say i'm going for some special reason?
(11:38:19 PM) Faiz : bye
(11:38:19 PM) Alim : bye bye
(11:38:25 PM) Faiz : bye
(11:38:25 PM) Alim : you already said that.
(11:38:30 PM) Faiz : i know
(11:38:30 PM) Alim : tell me more.
(11:38:44 PM) Faiz : i am going
(11:38:44 PM) Alim : do come back later

© Documentation ALIMbot by Mohammed Faizul Wahid