An Expert S.C.A.D.A. System for Automation of Electrical Distribution Feeders.

Final Year, B.Eng. (Electrical) at VNIT. (2001-2002)
Advisor Dr. M. K. Khedkar, Assistant. Professor, Electrical Department, VNIT, Nagpur, India.

Screenshot of the context sensitive browsing screen of the software, coded in C, for automation of the 4-feeder electrical distribution test model. The software is capable of performing viz. continuous monitoring, data acquisition, fault location, isolation, service restoration and network reconfiguration.



An expert system for feeder automation emphasizes a significant improvement over the conventionally managed distribution networks. The expert system possesses Data Monitoring and Intelligent Control capability. Presently, we have looked at developing a 4-feeder distribution network model. Since fault location on the distribution network is of major concern, we have studied and implemented, under laboratory constraints, solutions for the same. A combinatorial algorithm for loss minimization and constraint optimization was developed and tested on the model. The expertness of the algorithms is derived from logical inference mechanisms and complex mathematical computations. We have looked at making the system intelligent and robust. System software, named FA.ST, for data monitoring and control has been developed for service restoration and network reconfiguration complemented with an interactive GUI. The software, coded in C, exhibits a modular structure and comfortable online diagnostics.

The expert system so developed was extensively tested, under laboratory constraints, to be functionally and timing correct.

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Activities Undertaken  

  • Studied DACs: ACL-8112HG, VPL-144DIO, PCI271 and AX756 Relay Actuator Card, AX757 Opto-Isolated Input Card.

  • Wrote custom Low-Level C source code and Libraries for VPL-144DIO for digital data acquisition.

  • Wrote custom C source code and Library for analog data acquisition through 16, multiplexed, single ended channels of ACL 8112HG.

  • Wrote Function Testing Utilities for AX757, AX756, VPL-144DIO and ACL-8112HG.

  • Modeled and fabricated a 4-feeder interconnected electrical distribution network model controlled through a digital computer.

  • Designed Analog Input Board for Conditioning of Analog Voltage and Current.

  • Software for real-time data acquisition and control.

  • Algorithms for continuous data monitoring, logging and fault location, isolation and service restoration.

  • Combinatorial Optimization for network reconfiguration.

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Papers Presented at National Level Technical Symposiums 

  • M. F. Wahid, J Khan, "Single Loop optimization algorithm for reconfiguration of distribution networks", Pursuit2002, IEEE & ISTE’s National Level Technical Symposium, Amravati University, India. Won the Second Prize. [February 2002]

  • M. F. Wahid, S Barlingay, “Formulation of Bus-Source Connection Matrix And Its Application For Detecting Non-Radial distribution feeders”, Sanshodhan2002, National Level Technical Symposium, Nagpur University, India. Won the Second Prize. [January 2002]  

  • T. S. Saran and P. Deotale,  "Distribution Automation" in PowerFest 2001, National Level Technical Symposium at REC, Kurukshetra. Won the Third Prize. [24th November 2001]

  • M. F. Wahid, P. Deotale, “Intelligent Fault Location, Isolation and Supply Restoration Through Feeder Automation”, Chrysalis 2001, IEE’s National Level Technical Symposium, GCoE Pune, India. Won the First Prize. [September 2001]

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